La Nouvelle-Zélande
1. Basic facts
Capital city | Wellington |
Currency | New Zealand dollar |
Population | 4,405,200 |
Area | 268,000 km2 |
2. Significant characteristics
New Zealand consists of 2 major islands: North Island and South Island, 1,600 km in total length. Is part of the Commonwealth.
3. Key dates
pre 1200 | Maoris migrated from Polynesia and settled in New Zealand. |
late 18th century | Europeans began to settle in New Zealand. |
19th century | The British imposed their presence in spite of fierce resistance on the part of the Maoris. |
1840 | The Treaty of Waitingi: gave the Maoris the same rights as British citizens and guaranteed their possession of certain areas of land. |
1841 | The British government annexed New Zealand. |
1907 | New Zealand became a British dominion. |
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