Mom Dad My Granma's place 2 brothers 3 sisters Granma + speaker
Meadows Food (like a picnic) Philemon (6 miles away)
Saving of the hay (rentrer le foin) Sharing food Eating together Going to my Granma's place Spend summers there
Summer time
Third Listening
The tone of the voice is nostalgic.
A middle-aged woman remembers her childhood. She had 2 brothers and sisters and she remembers helping in the fields with the hay. She particularly enjoyed eating with everyone in the field and also spending summers at her grandmother_s house.
Mom and Dad, two brothers and three sisters, and I suppose one of my best childhood memories especially in the summer time was going down the meadows, especially when the saving of the hay, and then food would be brought down _ it was like a picnic! Sharing food, eating together and also going to my Granma_s place in Philemon, 6 miles away. I used to spend summers there and that used to be beautiful.